Sunday 25 November 2012

No 224 Peter Campbell Recipes

No 224.  Crofter’s Kitchen.

Concious that a lot of what my Crofter’s Barn articles contains tends to be outdoors, though not all, and equally concious that Christmas is acoming near, I thought I might borrow for the ladies a few recipes from the ledger of Peter Campbell, Crofter and Tacksman  of Achnacly, Brubster, b1764, d1840, bd Reay.
These recipes, though in spare corners of his ancient 70 page ledger, were in a different hand to Peter’s very neat handwriting, and may well have been written by his sister Catherine, b April 1766. Their father was Wm Campbell in Inshes of Brubster, otherwise called Achnacly. He had no daughter called Catharine.
. Muriel Murray, of Castehill Heritage Society, transcribed the recipes for us out of the old Ledger. Sufficiently interested in the content, she is planning, as part of C.H.S.’s  2013 programme of traditional skills workshops, a participative event for aspiring bakers . These recipes and home cures will be put to the test by an accomplished home baker, while the vintage ingredients will be interpreted by a chemist and pharmacist!!    Will the result still be palatable to 21st century taste buds? Go to the CHS website for further details.
Ladies, accompanied of course by their husbands, should not miss this early in the New Year event. I think it may be Master Chef of the Year at Castlehill.!!
I have not tried any of the recipes so cannot as yet offer any conclusions, nor do I accept any responsibilties!! 
 I do remember most of the kitchen pots and pans in use, indeed used some of them myself including the Blacksmith Girdle which we still have.
The black stove illustrated was a miracle in itself, a place for everything and everything in its place!!

 Recipes from Peter Campbell’s ledger.
Lemon Biscuits
1 cup lard
3 eggs
3 cups white sugar
1 pint sweet milk
5 ts  oil of lemon    [ ts =teaspoons ]
3 ts baking amonia [ ts = teaspoons ]
 Put the milk, eggs, oil lemon, baking amonia together in the milk.

Roll Jelly Cake

1 cup sugar
1 cup flour,
3 eggs
1 teaspoonful baking powder

Tea cakes

Two cups of sugar

1 cup butter
1 cup sour milk
½ teaspoon soda
little nutmeg 
roll and cut in Cakes.

Fruit cake

butter, sugar, molasses, sweet milk, each 1 cup.

Currants 4 cups
Raisins 4 cups
4 eggs
2 teaspoonful baking powder
citron ½ lb
two nutmegs
cinnamon to taste. Bake two hours

Chocolate icing
Put into a saucepan half a lb of white sugar, two ounces of grated chocolate and about a gill of water. Stir until the mixture assumes of a thick cream.

A Parsian ?? favorite recipe

5 lb raisins    5 lb dried apples  and 5 gallons of water 
Put all together in a small cask or large earthen jar and let stand uncovered for 3 days, stirring occasionally from the bottom. At the end of that time bottle with half A teaspoonful of sugar and A stick of cinnamon in each bottle. Cork tightly and store in a  cool place.

Cure for dysentery

The egg is considered  one of the best remedies for Dysentery. Beaten up
slightly with or without sugar and swallowed at a gulp, it tends by its
emollient qualities to lessen the inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
Two or at most three eggs per day would be all that is required in ordinary cases.

Burdock Root
2 ounces (Burdock Root) in three pints of water, boiled down to a pint.
Let it cool and drink in the course of 2 days.
Of this tea you may drink about a pint in 24 hours.

To cure consumptive cough

Take three pints rain water,
half [ ½ lb ] pound raisins, chopped fine
3 tablespoonful of flax seed
Sweeten to A Syrup with honey and boil down to A quart.
Add 3 tablespoonsfull of Extract of Anise
Take A tablespoonsfull  eight times A day.

 Untitled     ( No idea what this was for. MP )
 ½ lb Mutton Tallow
1 Ounce of Camphor
1 Ounce Borax
1 Bar Toilet Soap


Onions for croup

Cut them in pieces, stew, fry or boil or bake with a small piece of pork or lard.
and Place A Bag at once upon the chest.
Cut a large onion in thick slices with Sugar Placed Between each slice,
 and as soon as the juices begin to flow…???

To keep eggs

One Bushel quick lime

2 oz salt

½ lb cream of tartar.   Mix

Hair Wash

1 ounce Borax
½ ounce of camphor
Dissolve in 1 quart of Boiling rain water.
Damp hair frequently

So there you have it. Your great great great granny would have done the lot!!